
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Break Recap

**My blog has moved to**

What a beautiful day it is outside. I should be out there enjoying it. Instead, I am all curled up in bed with this guy.

Rough. I know.

I am taking advantage of this lazy moment to do a little "spring cleaning" on my phone. Deleting TONS of pictures and freeing up some storage space is always a good thing. I need my storage space on my phone for important apps. You know, like Trivia Crack.

As I am uploading my pictures to where I normally store them, I came across pictures I took of the kiddos enjoying their spring break last week at my parents' house. They had so much fun. 

Well, Miss Priss had as much fun as one could...with the food poisoning and all. Bless her.

She enjoyed some moments of silliness.

She loved the little indoor picnic on a rainy day.

She was treated to some pampering.

But, hands down, her favorite part was being in her Papi's arms all week. 

The cousins all had a blast being together for the week.

They planted herbs.

Went to an aquarium.

Camped out on a sofa bed to watch Frozen while eating a donut. 

Fishing, of course.

Ate shamrock(ish) pancakes for St. Patty's Day.

Enjoyed some sidewalk chalk art.

And even had time for a little game of catch.

I'm thankful to my parents for putting up with a house full of kiddos, two extra adults, loads upon loads of laundry, noise that never ceases, and being near eaten out of house and home. 

It was definitely a fun week...very exhausting...but, still a fun week.

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