
Sunday, November 4, 2012

IT'S A ______!!!!!

So many fun things to look forward to when having a baby. Hearing the heart beat for the first time, feeling the little one move for the first time, deciding on a name, decorating a nursery...even the second time around, all these things are as fun and exciting as it was for the first baby.

One of my FAVORITE things to look forward to is the 18 week ultrasound - Due date is confirmed, you can see how your little bundle of joy is developing, and...(if you choose) you get to know if it is a boy or a girl. This day helps me to forget: all the sleepless nights I have already experienced, the many morning (days) of morning sickness,and the ever aching back. On this day, I can see that everything is worth it.

Now, this exciting day would have normally occurred with me and the hubby going to the doctor's office together. However, this time my hubby was out of town on my sweet sister came with me instead. Although Lance couldn't be at the u/s, we decided that we would still find out together if our new little one was a baby boy or a baby girl. Yes, this meant I had to wait two extra days to find out.

On Saturday, we had a "gender reveal" party. We thought it would be fun if we found out with our family and close friends. We decorated with blue and pink...

I was pretty proud with the pink/blue cake I made

My sister made some fun "boy" and "girl" punch

We even had a little "voting" game...

Moustaches vs. Kisses

Then it was time for the "Big Reveal"...

We are excited to see what is inside the box 
Opening the box

We see PINK

It's a GIRL! 
Our happy little family 

While, yes, we were a little nervous about having a girl...we are VERY excited for our sweet little girl to get here. I am going to have to start thinking a little more "girlie"...I am sure she doesn't want to be dressed in flannels and boots like her big brother. :)

I looked around that day and saw God's many blessings...a loving husband, a sweet/funny son, a soon-to-be-here sweet daughter, wonderful friends, and a supportive family. This was such a fun/wonderful day!


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