
Monday, January 26, 2015


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75 degrees, minimal wind, abundant sunshine beaming is a soothing balm to my soul today. I'm sitting out here with Miss Priss and Lil' Man watching them...just be. I needed this today, they needed this today.

3 sick kids, a week of doctor visits (100 unexpected dollars worth of doctor visits) with ear infections, coughs, congestion and the occasional vomit episode or two has really worn on all of us. Our household has consisted of essential oils being diffused, saturating various items with Lysol, laundry load upon laundry load being done (with an ever increasing "needs to be ironed" pile accumulating as a direct result), keeping up with medication schedules to get over said ear infections, and, of course, I would be remiss in forgetting to mention that sleep has not been much of a friend at our fact, I think he is vacationing far far away from my house these days.

Friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We have also had our refrigerator and freezer go out on us. Food was lost, liquid gold was dumped down the drain (breast milk), and a family of five is trying to live out of a mini-fridge from my old dorm room and a not-so-big deep freezer. After waiting ALL weekend...we were so excited for Mr. Fix-it to come out and mend our broken appliance. He rattled off what was wrong...I heard something about a compressor...something about having to order a special part...the only piece of information I really remember was him saying it could be 3-5 days before the part will arrive if he can find the part and order it today. The guy didn't stick around much longer after that, maybe it was because of the crazed look I got in my eyes at the thought of continuing to live a week (or more) without a fridge and freezer.

BUT...just in case we didn't have enough going on...we had another little incident. One that infuriated me as much as it almost made me cry. We have this utterly obnoxious coyote that likes to come around every few months or so and, well, pretty much wipe-out my little brood of chickens. He decided to come by yesterday and take two of my laying hens, which in turn led me to Google "coyote problems", "how to get rid of coyotes", and "who to hire to trap and kill a coyote that is killing off my chickens". Although this incident greatly frustrated all of us and made us one was more affected and angered by this than, Lucky, our rooster (having escaped the last 5 attacks from the coyote, hence the name, Lucky). The coyote took away his manly rooster pride.

He also took away two of his lady friends and left him with just Bertha, who I'm pretty sure is bigger than Lucky.

To say he is outraged, is an understatement.

So, yes, it has not been very fun around here. I find it interesting (laughable, maybe?) that this week my Read Through the Bible in a Year reading plan started me in the book of Job. Seriously, it did. Talk about perspective check.

So, as I sit here enjoying the last few moments of sunshine and warmth, I won't worry about how I am going to come up 3 meals a day (plus snacks) for my family without breaking the bank eating out and only having a mini-fridge and deep freezer to work with...instead I will enjoy watching two of my kiddos finally getting some time outside to play and pray that this beautiful day and glorious sunshine will be just the medicine they need to kick this yucky cold to the curb.

For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
                                   Psalm 100:5

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"...Tomorrow Will Worry About Itself."

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I am a worrier. If you aren't worried about something, believe me I can find something that you should be worrying about. It isn't a trait I'm proud of and it is certainly one I am working on overcoming. When I was pregnant with my first child, I remember thinking - I can't wait...once I have my baby it will be easier. I won't worry as much, because he will be here with me. So naive.

Motherhood, has only raised my worrying tendencies to a whole new level. I worry about all kinds of things. Will my child be left-handed or right-handed? Will that cowlick always be there? Will they enjoy reading as much as I do? Will they text while driving? Are they going to randomly contract salmonella? Am I too strict/overprotective? Are they getting balanced enough meals? Am I going to fail completely at parenting?

So, the good news is, since becoming a mother my reasons to worry have God is greater than all these things. I have learned to cling to verses like these - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7. Daily, I cling to the promise that His peace will guard this mother's heart and mind.

I find unbelievable assurance that my children are not really mine, they belong God. I know that He loves them and cares for them more than I ever could...and that is a lot, because I'm pretty crazy about them. Just knowing that my littles were known and loved by God before they were even a thought in this world, is absolutely amazing. "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:13-16

As far as failing. I find it reassuring to know that I will fail at times...but it is in those times I will have the best opportunity to point my children to Jesus. Giving them the perception that I am perfect and that I don't make mistakes would not only be false, but takes away from The Gospel message. My children need to see me fail...they need to see me cling to Jesus and die to myself daily. They need to see the goodness of God's grace lived out in my life. So, knowing that, well, it helps me worry a little less.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Winter Warm-Up

Today we enjoyed an unusually warm day in January. After the below freezing temps from the last couple weeks, today was more than welcome. We decided to take advantage of this warm day with a little day trip to the Wichita mountains.

Lil' Man was excited to go on this mountain adventure. He loved driving up Mt. Scott, where he "could see the whole world". Round and round the mountain we drove until we got to the very top.

So incredibly beautiful.

Unfortunately, the wind was quite monstrous up there, so, I stayed behind in the car with the two littles.

Lil' Man got to take a little hike with daddy, grandpa, and grandma to see more of the mountainous view.

I did get out of the van for a quick photo at the look-out point. Can you tell we are about to be BLOWN AWAY???

Having had enough of the wind, we ventured back down the mountain to visit The Holy City of the Wichitas. A place that is made to replicate Israel during Biblical times.

It was not as windy down there, so we all were able to get out and walk around.

Still, the wind was triumphant. We loaded up after a quick walk around the city to head toward a "wind free" zone. The visitor center.

A fun little place with some hands-on activities for the kiddos.

Such a fun little day trip that was going perfectly. Until now. The cute little guy in the picture above...well, he found this to be an opportune moment to explode through his diaper.

So, off to the "family restroom" I practically bathe my child and throw away a brand new onesie. The most awesome part? I finally get him all cleaned up and was reaching for the fresh new diaper to put on him, when...yes, you guessed it - there was more. Like yellow golden lava spewing from a volcano...with no diaper to catch it. I wanted to cry. I also may or may not have snapped at whoever kept banging on the bathroom door. Really, who keeps banging on a bathroom door when someone says, "just a moment"???

So, another wash down and new outfit later, we emerge. I apologized to the poor lady with her baby who walked in the bathroom after us. I hope her baby changing experience was less catastrophic as mine.

We ended our day at a place I have been wanting to try for a long time...
Meers Store and Restaurant, home of the "Best Burger in Oklahoma".

I was way too excited to eat this burger...which is one of the best burgers I have ever eaten.

What a fun little day.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, January 16, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

At It Again...

Nothing. Not one word. I did not write even one little blog post in 2014. I had almost forgotten I even had a blog, until tonight. I was lying in bed eating a chocolate chip cookie, watching Netflix, and scrolling through my Pinterest boards trying to find some new recipes. I happened across a pin that I pinned on my board quite some time ago, from my blog. I clicked on it and read my post, then I began to read more posts. I LOVE to write. I had forgotten, getting lost in the craziness of other things of life, I let it slip away. I'm not a great writer and I don't have an "audience/fan-base" that anxiously awaits for my newest blog post, but I love blogging just the same. I journaled as a child, as a teenager, and some in college. So, I guess it makes sense that I enjoy blogging.

So, here is to making a better effort to keeping up with my blog in 2015!


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