Today was the day that just about every teacher in Oklahoma looks forward to (or maybe it is just me???). Mardel had their big annual education sale. I think, in my 8 years of teaching, I have missed this sale once.
I really had no intentions of going today. Really, I didn't. I figured, since I wasn't going to be teaching next year, there was no need for me to go. That is where I was wrong.
Being in education was the first thing I fell in love with. I met my husband shortly after beginning my first year of teaching. My life soon changed from "just" teacher, to wife
then teacher. Not long after that, I became wife, mom, teacher. I quickly came to realize, this year, that I needed to spend some much needed time with my family. Somehow, along the way, my life had become
teacher and then wife/mom got thrown in when convenient.
As I am very excited to be spending this year off from work and having more time as wife and was definitely noted that part of me was missing my love for teaching.
I had an Ah-ha moment this week. I decided to do my own version of pre-k with Lil' Man this year. This would provide me the opportunity to continue doing what I love while spending much needed time with my family.
I sat down and began to think about what I was going to do. I have never been one to use a "curriculum"...I have always used grade level standards as my guide and pulled resources from wherever I could get them to teach those standards. So, I figured this would be easy.
Well, as it turns out...a little daunting. Starting at the beginning, pre-k, is a little harder to plan out for than I would have expected (without having a given guideline of district expectations). Thankfully, after perusing through several blogs and reviewing common core kindergarten expectations...I finally came up with what I was going to do. I will post details later...just in case anyone is interested.
So, that is how I found myself back again at the "big sale". I shopped for a long time. I get some sort of rush every year at that sale. Weird. Here is a look at what I found.
It is a start, definitely not everything I will need, but a start. I am really looking forward to this year...I think Lil' Man and I will have a lot of fun.
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